BCPS selected'Best Communities for Music Education' x11
CURWENSVILLE — During the 2020-21 school year, an extracurricular group dedicated to performing barbershop music formed at Curwensville Area High School. State law requires that schools administer a state-funded ACT or SAT to all students in grade 11 in the spring of the school year. On Tuesday, March 9, 2021, Elida High School will be administering the ACT to juniors at no cost to students.In order to test students safely in a smaller setting, all other students attending Elida High School.
Bingo Games For School
posted Apr 6, 2017, 8:13 AM by Towson High MusicBingo Games For School
posted Apr 6, 2017, 8:13 AM by Towson High MusicHigh School Musical Bingo
Dear MusicEducators, The Officeof Music and Dance Education is proud to announce that Baltimore County PublicSchools has, for the 11th consecutive year, been selected as one ofAmerica's 'Best Communities for Music Education'. Less than four percent ofU.S. School Districts share this distinction, and even fewer have had such alongstanding tenure on the list! We wantedto share this news with you because this award is truly yours: it is atestament to the long-standing commitment to excellence in music education inBCPS, and to each of your individual commitments. Thank you for all that youcontinue to do for our children, and please enjoy a safe, restful spring break. Sincerely, BCPSOffice of Music and Dance Brian K.Schneckenburger, Ph.D. Supervisor,Music and Dance Office ofMusic and Dance Education BaltimoreCounty Public Schools JeffersonBuilding, 4th Floor 105 W.Chesapeake Ave. Towson, MD21204 Office:443-809-9735 Fax:410-832-2917 |